January 22, 2009

Big Air in the Big Apple

Redbull's Skyscraper's

Jeff Regis Is Building a Nine-Story Snowboard Jump in Downtown Manhattan - that's fucking dope!

"On February 15, Red Bull will introduce Snowscrapers, a snowboarding competition and nine-story ski jump to Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The massive undertaking requires a month’s worth of construction and snow blowing, and once the $100,000 in prize money is handed out, the jump will be reconfigured into a ski hill for city kids to use for the duration of the winter."

The photo of the hill's skeleton was taken only a few days ago, and it will transform into a heavenly white slope within only a few weeks.

See video below for more on the ramp, and visit the official website here for a list of rider's and times - I'd totally go if I was in NY!

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